Ecological applications of theoretical and simulation studies of branching stochastic processes

Maroussia Slavtchova-Bojkova
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics,
Department of Probability and Statistics
8, G. Bontchev str., Sofia 1113, BULGARIA  

Manuel Molina
Departamento de Matemáticas
Universidad de Extremadura

In the last twenty years theoretical and simulation study of branching processes turns out to be a very useful tool in many ecological, biological, paleontological etc. developments, related to some proper matters like evolutionary branching, DNA method, molecular microbial ecology, etc. application viewpoint, it is worth notice that in general the stochastic; approach allows to incorporate into the model the uncertainties of the measurement and the changes of the accompanying conditions of the environment.
Special attention will be given, but not restricted to recent development of the following items:
- Branching processes in random environment
- Branching processes with inner renewal structure
- Bisexual counterpart of the above models as an attempt to model sexes
- Controlled branching processes
-.Multitype branching processes
- Use of the branching processes in the proliferation of DNA in certain human genetics diseases
Simulation methods of branching processes and statistical inferences.

List of presentations